A story about Irony
Meme creator and (self-proclaimed) social engineer Paolo Danzì ('father' to Instagram page sapore.di.male) uncovers the unveiling power of Irony. In this unusual video he narrates how, through a smile, Irony is able to trigger the awareness that any claim, whether through words or design, might not be that far from reality. Which is always subjective, of course.
Bulbul has been chosen to represent the value of Irony. Bulbul is the perfect kettle imagined in the rounded shape of a curling stone and reveals Castiglioni's extraordinary ability to transfer qualities and functions into a project from objects belonging to completely different spheres. "Bul bul" translates to "it's boiling, it's boiling" in the traditional dialect of Milan where this unforgettable designer was born.
A conversation about
By revealing some amusing anecdotes about their family and by recalling Achille Castiglioni’s perspective on the future of design, Giovanna and Carlo Castiglioni - founders of the Achille Castiglioni Foundation - explore the ability of their father to carve Irony out of objects to push them beyond the curve of ordinariness.
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