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A story about Thingness

The visionary chef Pietro Leemann describes how his cuisine allowed him to translate essential ingredients into material culinary vectors of happiness. To him, his practice, just like meditation, cannot be separated from substance. They both give birth to an awareness-driven sense of thingness.

Farfalla Nutcracker

To rediscover a gesture as simple as it is essential, such as cracking nuts. Designed at the end of the 1990s and never realised, its production in 2021 pays tribute to one of the masters of Italian design.

A conversation about

Alberto Alessi and Francesca Giacomelli talk about the value of thingness, as the commitment to express the real essence of an object, its synthesis as the gesture for which it was intended and designed. Watch the full video to explore this conscious form of expression.

Farfalla Nutcracker

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